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Visitors 32
Modified 12-Oct-15
Created 11-Oct-15
14 photos

The southern cliffs on Syncline look imposing, but there is a way around them which is just visible behind this dead tree.The Castle Wilderness has no shortage of interesting dead trees to photograph.This is probably my favorite shot from this trip. The hole in the stump gave this scene almost a fairy tale feel.The lighting to the south was quite ominous. Just left of center in this shot is Tombstone Mountain.This is the closest I have been to Mount Darrah and I must say it is the most impressive peak on The Divide in this area.The second peak of Syncline was more striking, but I didn't feel like going any further in the insane winds (over 100 km/hr).Castle Peak and Windsor Mountain still grab most of the attention even though they are quite far away. Hard to believe I was up on Windsor back in July!I was surprised how much vegetation was on the rubble around the summit. I guess this peak is only around 2400 metres above sea level.Crowsnest Mountain was over 40 km away, but the lighting was so dramatic it was hard to miss. Evidence of a massive fire in 2003 can be seen in the foreground.This is the third and I believe highest peak of Syncline, I guess I will have to come back to tag it someday!Table Mountain is a fun hike/scramble (depending on the route) that I have done a few times. On my first trip a Black Bear gave me some tense moments, but luckily for me he moved on without incident.Southfork Mountain and Barnaby Ridge (right of center) are part of a long ridge just east of Castle Mountain Ski Resort.Every time I visit the Castle Wilderness I end up taking too many photos of these two great looking peaks!Southfork Mountain looks great as the sun finally finds a whole in the clouds and illuminates it.