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Visitors 100
Modified 27-Feb-24
Created 22-Sep-13
30 photos

Amy and Riley pose with what was probably their best snow fort to date. We built a wall with snow brick makers and then piled up all the snow from the yard behind it.Riley gives a sense of scale to this beautiful location below the rim of Johnston Canyon.Johnston Canyon is gorgeous in the winter. This is just below the Upper Falls.Amy stands atop one of the many beaver dams below Yamnuska. Later on this hike Sharon and the kids swear they heard a Cougar growl at them from up in a tree. I was ahead of them at the time.More of the beaver dam areas below Yamnuska.Amy and Riley pose with an Albertosaurus skeleton at the Tyrrell Museum.This section of Junction Hill has a very interesting and photogenic dead tree. We didn't go all the way to the summit as rain was on the way.Sharon and Amy stand on Junction Hill's lower ridge with the Divide in the background.Amy reads a book on the shore of Middle Lake. We were patiently waiting for a Common Loon to call and were treated to the haunting sound at dusk.My sister Keri walks along Read's Ridge with Amy and Riley in behind. Mount Nestor towers above Spray Lake.Riley walks along the floating bardwalk on the west end of Middle Lake.The kids play on a small cliffband on the way to Sundance Canyon.Mount Edith's South Peak looks absolutely incredible from this clearing on the way to Sundance Canyon.This is not your typical photo of the Vermillion Lakes with Mount Rundle in the background.Sharon took this photo of a beautiful old tower at Fort Steele.This was our campsite while we explored the Forte Steele area.