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Visitors 107
Modified 19-Aug-24
Created 4-Sep-12
32 photos

I love being able to pick out familiar peaks while flying over the Rockies. Talon Peak is the pointy one just right of center and I have climbed the one in the lower left corner (White Man Mountain).This was a neat little spot where we docked my Dad's boat to get groceries.My Dad teaches Amy to use an outboard motor for the first time.This beautiful Yellow Pond Lily was growing in Black Lake on West Redonda Island.The forest hike from Roscoe Bay to Black Lake surprises you with a trail crawling with dozens of tiny Boreal Toad offspring.Roscoe Bay is a great sheltered inlet. Lynne and Sharon return from a kayaking expedition to see Harbour Seals.Amy inspects a Squat Lobster which is one of the unusal creatures that ends up being captured when you go prawning off the West Coast.This is the largest prawn we got in the traps. Later on Lynne treated us to a great pasta dish with our haul of prawns.Common Foxglove is one of the showiest flowers that I have seen on the West Coast of British ColumbiaSun beams add an interesting mood to the Straight of Georgia in this view looking south from Llanover Mountain.Amy, Riley, Lynne, Sharon, and my Dad pose at the summit of Llanover Mountain. We hiked 3 km and gained about 700 metres from Roscoe Bay to get here.The summit is tree covered, but cliffs to the west allow some views.Amy and Riley enjoyed camping on the boat for a week. We were surprised by the tranquility and calmness of the water.Riley shows off his first fish ever. I believe it is a Rock Cod.Harbour Seals were abundant on the huge cliffs of West Redonda Island. They only scattered after we approached uncomfortably close.My dad took this photo of me with my first Lingcod. They have very sharp teeth and teal colored meat but are quite delicious nonetheless.This shows how peaceful summer evenings can be on the ocean off of  BC's West Coast.Mount Denman is an incredible Granite Mountain that dominates this areas views.The family poses near Prideaux Haven in Desolation Sound Marine Park. Mount Denman is on the right."Gregory Island" is the unofficial name of this gorgeous little island. We had a great time exploring it.